miscellaneous error map inconsistent with operation attribute inconsistent with operation RmveReference failed RmveResource failed AddReference failed AddResource failed resource file not found resource not found internal file system error wrong volume type error - operation not supported for MFS move into offspring error no free WDCB available directory not found first in a range of disk errors sector number never found on track track number wrong on address mark unable to correctly adjust disk speed tried to read 2nd side on a 1-sided drive unable to initialize IWM track 0 detect doesn't change step handshake failed write underrun occurred bad data mark bit slip nibbles bad data mark checksum couldn't find a data mark header bad addr mark bit slip nibbles addr mark checksum didn't check read verify compare failed couldn't find valid addr mark couln't find 5 nybbles in 200 tries read/write requested for on offline volume drive not installed write permissions error bad master directory block file system rename error volume in question belongs to an external file system not a mac diskette no such drive (tried to mount a bad drive num) drive volume already online at MountVol permissions error (on file open) volume not on line error (was ejected) get file position error file refnum error error in user parameter list file already open with write permission duplicate filename (rename) file is busy (delete) volume is locked file is locked diskette is write protected file not found too many files open memory full (open) or file won't fit (load) tried to position to before start of file (read/write) end of file file not open file name contains illegal characters I/O error no such volume disk full directory full